Tips for Riding an Electric Scooter at Night
Most e-scooter riders use their electric scooters during the daytime to help travel to work, school, and other places efficiently. However, if you are one of the few riders who use them at night o...

How to Ride an Electric Scooter for First-time Riders
Watching other people ride electric scooters makes it seem fun and easy—and it is! However, some people, especially beginners, may have a tricky time getting used to getting on an e-scooter and ri...

Tips When Parking Your Electric Scooter in Public
Electric scooters offer riders flexibility not only when it comes to riding but also parking or storing them. Since e-scooters are lightweight, foldable, and dockless, they can be brought inside b...

Common Mistakes When Riding an Electric Scooter
Riding an electric scooter is easy because it’s intuitive. However, not many people know how to ride electric scooters properly. This quick electric scooter guide lists down common mistakes when r...